Api Contract Komship (1.0.0)
Download OpenAPI specification:Download
This is an Api Contract for Komship project. use Token and application id to consumes endpoint. Role id partner 4
Login User
Request Body schema: application/json
username_email | string |
password | string |
login_from | string |
fcm_token | string |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "username_email": "tatausaha",
- "password": "12345678a",
- "login_from": "website",
- "fcm_token": "fMFJVmT_vCk:APA91bEwLh3_5dGKDFJI9M4ISZrqD9sOuN_mtYKxj85ZyaLaxo1sBIi9Iq8X5ZUieX5GyGDfkl_woikKVfJCp5j-U7MxNWDE5GlNg8E3IpnsP7GQARlsbcMsLmiM9eMD5xXYTSGXUUKS"
Response samples
- 200
- 400
{- "status": "success",
- "code": 200,
- "data": {
- "access_token": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJhdWQiOiIxIiwianRpIjoiMGQyMzE4NTg0YWNmYTU4MGQxYjM1ZWM1NzczNTFlYThjYzY2ZTA4MjNhODdkMWZiODJlYjVlYWQxYTUxNzA1M2RhMjVmYTk0MGI2NzExMDEiLCJpYXQiOjE2MjczNjc3MjMsIm5iZiI6MTYyNzM2NzcyMywiZXhwIjoxNjU4OTAzNzIzLCJzdWIiOiIyIiwic2NvcGVzIjpbXX0.Swq2EdjNWL7JrRZFu1Gh9x5ZHwo7jmCioZz4Z19IQB2rTIGUDyhkds276ZzPHh-pDwkrD2uEWhceOuXrKnlOwtvJOu3Kf3VymsabIKqJpb8e4dq76FWPbUD6k-WexL7QKQan9gH1LwoQey2nMKFi5hd7_3A9sFLRrQerqh3qugWdD7RqqYS3vYY9M3VqHf108w5iQa_GHkRx2KRv0PxRVRqofkTCBBf-Oc-kcvLkau8N6BVojkYDJ8Cl8uG5XcS0F1RjbNy6SuiuTyqq1BqaZmcasi87zwJEeuJSgdqBfnNch608impEBu9q_ON1kMIgK9LZvqL8_Uk1vP5qosUq39VgJj8qbFDpCKsKus6fjO78G-zeYbZ32D-s03QwPr9FkwoZXg_HaiyTDvsbTcgH63wU-Q7ycor8IgSKPsfkJN1OytohleJMWYOObiN-IKqKGbXnf85DnJrhZuOZB9tQdoq4fIXYx68LQgmiLSVemXUbHMtRmXbYWwAIFy3QexPRGtHxK8wCzqEH-whXh66RKBy31gf1Fu9wxHHEb95U_UfYYynbbDxapwurJHzgxUswdBWDNguNoAJZslZfwVMguAmgtylFvNYzIlEWkENTk5fcTNOJsmVWDYuO-QJyWwCStB7_a7jcPFHLqcs7pwu9cvV-X1__x0BgRD6E9VBfYQg",
- "token_type": "Bearer",
- "expires_at": "2022-07-27 13:35:23",
- "user_id": 1,
- "username": "john_doe",
Response samples
- 200
- 400
{- "status": "success",
- "code": 200,
- "message": "logout successful"
Change password for authenticate user
query Parameters
old_password required | string old password |
new_password required | string New password, 8 character minimum |
Response samples
- 200
- 400
{- "status": "success",
- "code": 200,
- "message": "Password changed successfully"
Response samples
- 200
- 400
{- "status": "success",
- "code": 200,
- "message": "Refresh Token successful",
- "access_token": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJhdWQiOiIxIiwianRpIjoiMGQyMzE4NTg0YWNmYTU4MGQxYjM1ZWM1NzczNTFlYThjYzY2ZTA4MjNhODdkMWZiODJlYjVlYWQxYTUxNzA1M2RhMjVmYTk0MGI2NzExMDEiLCJpYXQiOjE2MjczNjc3MjMsIm5iZiI6MTYyNzM2NzcyMywiZXhwIjoxNjU4OTAzNzIzLCJzdWIiOiIyIiwic2NvcGVzIjpbXX0.Swq2EdjNWL7JrRZFu1Gh9x5ZHwo7jmCioZz4Z19IQB2rTIGUDyhkds276ZzPHh-pDwkrD2uEWhceOuXrKnlOwtvJOu3Kf3VymsabIKqJpb8e4dq76FWPbUD6k-WexL7QKQan9gH1LwoQey2nMKFi5hd7_3A9sFLRrQerqh3qugWdD7RqqYS3vYY9M3VqHf108w5iQa_GHkRx2KRv0PxRVRqofkTCBBf-Oc-kcvLkau8N6BVojkYDJ8Cl8uG5XcS0F1RjbNy6SuiuTyqq1BqaZmcasi87zwJEeuJSgdqBfnNch608impEBu9q_ON1kMIgK9LZvqL8_Uk1vP5qosUq39VgJj8qbFDpCKsKus6fjO78G-zeYbZ32D-s03QwPr9FkwoZXg_HaiyTDvsbTcgH63wU-Q7ycor8IgSKPsfkJN1OytohleJMWYOObiN-IKqKGbXnf85DnJrhZuOZB9tQdoq4fIXYx68LQgmiLSVemXUbHMtRmXbYWwAIFy3QexPRGtHxK8wCzqEH-whXh66RKBy31gf1Fu9wxHHEb95U_UfYYynbbDxapwurJHzgxUswdBWDNguNoAJZslZfwVMguAmgtylFvNYzIlEWkENTk5fcTNOJsmVWDYuO-QJyWwCStB7_a7jcPFHLqcs7pwu9cvV-X1__x0BgRD6E9VBfYQg"
Response samples
- 200
- 401
{- "status": "success",
- "code": 200,
- "data": {
- "user_id": 1,
- "user_name": "Adv123",
- "user_fullname": "Advertiser",
- "user_birth_date": "31/12/1990",
- "user_gender": "1 | Laki-laki",
- "user_marital_status": "0 | Belum Menikah",
- "user_phone": "081212323454",
- "user_kompoints": 81212323454,
- "province": {
- "id": 1002,
- "name": "Jawa Tengah"
}, - "regency": {
- "id": 1011,
- "name": "Purbalingga"
}, - "district": {
- "id": 1092,
- "name": "Karangmoncol"
}, - "user_address": "jln. Karangmoncol no 13",
- "is_komship": 1,
- "partner_id": 1,
- "shipping": "JNE",
- "payment_method": "COD",
- "partner_is_tracking_sales": true,
- "partner_is_tracking_sales_dashboard": true,
- "partner_is_notification_whatsapp": 1
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
{- "status": "success",
- "code": 200,
- "data": [
- {
- "bank_account_id": 1,
- "bank_name": "BRI",
- "account_name": "Chandra Sama",
- "account_no": 16698398398,
- "is_default": 1
}, - {
- "bank_account_id": 2,
- "bank_name": "BCA",
- "account_name": "Chandra Sama",
- "account_no": 3309090,
- "is_default": 0
}, - {
- "bank_account_id": 3,
- "bank_name": "BNI",
- "account_name": "Chandra Sama",
- "account_no": 981238787,
- "is_default": 1
}, - {
- "bank_account_id": 5,
- "bank_name": "Mandiri",
- "account_name": "Chandra Sama",
- "account_no": 76398989,
- "is_default": 0
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
{- "status": "success",
- "code": 200,
- "data": {
- "bank_account_id": 1,
- "bank_name": "BRI",
- "account_name": "Chandra Sama",
- "account_no": 16698398398,
- "is_default": 1
Store Bank Account
Request Body schema: application/json
bank_name required | string |
account_name required | string |
account_no required | integer |
note | string |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "bank_name": "BRI",
- "account_name": "Chandra Sama",
- "account_no": 12187837763176,
- "note": "pngin nambah aja"
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
{- "status": "success",
- "code": 200,
- "message": "Bank Account stored successfully"
Store Bank Account
Request Body schema: application/json
bank_name required | string |
account_name required | string |
account_no required | integer |
note | string |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "bank_name": "BRI",
- "account_name": "Chandra Sama",
- "account_no": 12187837763176,
- "note": "pngin nambah aja"
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
{- "status": "success",
- "code": 200,
- "message": "Bank Account stored successfully"
Store Bank Account v3
Request Body schema: application/json
bank_name required | string |
bank_code required | string |
account_name required | string |
account_no required | integer |
note | string |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "bank_name": "Bank Central Asia",
- "bank_code": "BCA",
- "account_name": "Chandra Beda",
- "account_no": 405671231672,
- "note": "pngin nambah aja"
Response samples
- 201
- 400
- 401
- 403
- 409
{- "status": "success",
- "code": 201,
- "message": "Bank Account stored successfully"
Update Bank Account
Rules: every user only have 1 is_default:1
path Parameters
bank_account_id required | integer |
Request Body schema: application/json
bank_name required | string |
account_name required | string |
account_no required | integer |
note | string |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "bank_name": "BRI",
- "account_name": "Chandra Sama",
- "account_no": 12187837763176,
- "note": "pngin nambah aja"
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
{- "status": "success",
- "code": 200,
- "message": "Bank Account updated successfully"
Delete Bank Account
Rules: can't delete is_default data. Next feature => check if data already used on transactions.
path Parameters
bank_account_id required | integer |
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
{- "status": "success",
- "code": 200,
- "message": "Bank Account deleted successfully."
Check Bank Available
Untuk menggunakan API ini menggunakan URL Komtim untuk menjalankannya
Request Body schema: application/json
bank_name required | string |
account_name required | string |
account_no required | integer |
user_id required | integer |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "bank_name": "MANDIRI",
- "account_name": "My Bank",
- "account_no": 1800002124512,
- "user_id": 3262
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
{- "status": "success",
- "code": 200,
- "message": "not the same bank, with that input"
List product
query Parameters
name | string |
status | integer 1=publish,0=draft |
stock-from | integer |
stock-to | integer |
sold-from | integer |
sold-to | integer |
limits | integer |
offset | integer |
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
{- "status": "success",
- "code": 200,
- "data": [
- {
- "product_id": 1,
- "product_name": "Jilbab Keche",
- "sku": "JB-8798",
- "product_image": [
- {
- "images_path": "www.example.com/img/products/product-980312037.jpg"
], - "is_variant": 1,
- "price": 0,
- "stock": 0,
- "sold": 0,
- "variants": [
- {
- "variant": "Merah, S",
- "price": 20,
- "stock": 100,
- "sold": 10
}, - {
- "variant": "Merah, M",
- "price": 20,
- "stock": 100,
- "sold": 10
}, - {
- "variant": "Merah, L",
- "price": 20,
- "stock": 100,
- "sold": 10
}, - {
- "variant": "Merah, XL",
- "price": 22,
- "stock": 100,
- "sold": 10
}, - {
- "product_id": 1,
- "product_name": "Jilbab Keche Premium",
- "sku": "JB-8791",
- "product_image": "www.example.com/img/products/product-980312037.jpg",
- "is_variant": 0,
- "variants": [ ],
- "price": 30,
- "stock": 10,
- "sold": 2
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
{- "status": "success",
- "code": 200,
- "data": {
- "id": 357,
- "product_name": "Gamis Bae",
- "product_description": "",
- "product_sku": "G-0001",
- "product_weight": 100,
- "product_weight_pbv": 60000,
- "product_height": 50,
- "product_length": 30,
- "product_width": 40,
- "flavors": [
- "COD"
], - "product_is_variant": "1",
- "product_price": 0,
- "product_stock": 0,
- "sold": 0,
- "status": 1,
- "partner_id": 799,
- "created_at": "2022-08-30 09:53:26",
- "updated_at": "2022-08-30 09:53:26",
- "options": [
- {
- "id": 3397,
- "variant_id": 619,
- "option_name": "Merah",
- "option_parent": 0,
- "sold": 0,
- "created_at": "2022-08-30 09:53:26",
- "updated_at": "2022-08-30 09:53:26",
- "options": [
- {
- "id": 3398,
- "variant_id": 620,
- "option_name": "XL",
- "option_parent": 3397,
- "option_price": 10000,
- "variant_stock": 10,
- "sold": 0,
- "options": [ ]
}, - {
- "id": 3399,
- "variant_id": 620,
- "option_name": "L",
- "option_parent": 3397,
- "option_price": 15000,
- "variant_stock": 5,
- "sold": 0,
- "options": [ ]
}, - {
- "id": 3400,
- "variant_id": 619,
- "option_name": "Kuning",
- "option_parent": 0,
- "sold": 0,
- "created_at": "2022-08-30 09:53:26",
- "updated_at": "2022-08-30 09:53:26",
- "options": [
- {
- "id": 3401,
- "variant_id": 620,
- "option_name": "XL",
- "option_parent": 3400,
- "option_price": 100000,
- "variant_stock": 13,
- "sold": 0,
- "options": [ ]
}, - {
- "id": 3402,
- "variant_id": 620,
- "option_name": "L",
- "option_parent": 3400,
- "option_price": 25000,
- "variant_stock": 8,
- "sold": 0,
- "options": [ ]
], - "product_image": [ ],
- "variants": [
- {
- "id": 619,
- "product_id": 354,
- "variant_name": "Warna",
- "options": [
- {
- "id": 3397,
- "variant_id": 619,
- "option_name": "Merah",
- "option_parent": 0,
- "sold": 0
}, - {
- "id": 3400,
- "variant_id": 619,
- "option_name": "Kuning",
- "option_parent": 0,
- "sold": 0
}, - {
- "id": 620,
- "product_id": 354,
- "variant_name": "Ukuran",
- "options": [
- {
- "id": 3398,
- "variant_id": 620,
- "option_name": "XL",
- "option_parent": 3397,
- "option_price": 10000,
- "variant_stock": 10,
- "sold": 0
}, - {
- "id": 3399,
- "variant_id": 620,
- "option_name": "L",
- "option_parent": 3397,
- "option_price": 15000,
- "variant_stock": 5,
- "sold": 0
}, - {
- "id": 3401,
- "variant_id": 620,
- "option_name": "XL",
- "option_parent": 3400,
- "option_price": 100000,
- "variant_stock": 13,
- "sold": 0
}, - {
- "id": 3402,
- "variant_id": 620,
- "option_name": "L",
- "option_parent": 3400,
- "option_price": 25000,
- "variant_stock": 8,
- "sold": 0
Store product
path Parameters
status required | integer |
Request Body schema: application/json
product_name | string |
sku | string |
description | string |
weight | integer |
weight_pbv | integer |
length | integer |
width | integer |
height | integer |
price | integer |
stock | integer |
flavours | string |
variant_option | string |
option | string |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "product_name": "Jilbab",
- "sku": "JBB-01",
- "description": "",
- "weight": 100,
- "weight_pbv": 100,
- "length": 100,
- "width": 100,
- "height": 100,
- "price": 0,
- "stock": 0,
- "flavours": "",
- "variant_option": "",
- "option": ""
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
{- "status": "success",
- "code": 200,
- "message": "product stored successfully."
Update product
path Parameters
product_id required | integer |
Request Body schema: application/json
product_name | string |
sku | string |
description | string |
weight | integer |
weight_pbv | integer |
length | integer |
width | integer |
height | integer |
price | integer |
stock | integer |
flavours | string |
variant_option | string |
option | string |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "product_name": "Jilbab",
- "sku": "JBB-01",
- "description": "",
- "weight": 100,
- "weight_pbv": 100,
- "length": 100,
- "width": 100,
- "height": 100,
- "price": 0,
- "stock": 0,
- "flavours": "",
- "variant_option": "",
- "option": ""
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
{- "status": "success",
- "code": 200,
- "message": "product updated successfully."
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
{- "status": "success",
- "code": 200,
- "message": "product deleted successfully."
Response samples
- 200
- 401
{- "status": "success",
- "code": 200,
- "message": "product not found"
Response samples
- 200
- 401
{- "status": "success",
- "code": 200,
- "data": {
- "products": [
- {
- "id": 1,
- "product_name": "Jilbob Pasmina"
}, - {
- "id": 2,
- "product_name": "Baju Tidur Wanita"
], - "warehouses": [
- {
- "id": 1,
- "name": "Gudang Jakarta"
}, - {
- "id": 2,
- "name": "Gudang Bandung"
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
{- "status": "success",
- "code": 200,
- "message": "product sku not found"
Request samples
- Payload
[- {
- "product_id": 1,
- "variant_id": 1,
- "qty": 10,
- "is_variant": 1
}, - {
- "product_id": 2,
- "variant_id": 0,
- "qty": 2,
- "is_variant": 0
Response samples
- 200
- 400
{- "status": "success",
- "code": 200,
- "message": "Successfully update stock"
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
{- "status": "success",
- "code": 200,
- "data": [
- {
- "address_id": 1,
- "address_name": "Rumah John Wick",
- "zip_code": 53135,
- "address_detail": "Jl. Raya Tamansari, Kompleks Karangwuni, Desa, Dusun I, Tamansari, Karangmoncol, Kabupaten Purbalingga, Jawa Tengah 53355",
- "pic": "John Wick",
- "phone": "085741414434",
- "is_default": 1
}, - {
- "address_id": 2,
- "address_name": "Rumah John Wick 2",
- "zip_code": 53135,
- "address_detail": "Jl. Raya Tamansari, Kompleks Karangwuni, Desa, Dusun I, Tamansari, Karangmoncol, Kabupaten Purbalingga, Jawa Tengah 53355",
- "pic": "John Wick",
- "phone": "085741414434",
- "is_default": 0
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
{- "status": "success",
- "code": 200,
- "data": [
- {
- "id": 1,
- "province_name": "Jawa Tengah"
}, - {
- "id": 2,
- "province_name": "Jawa Timur"
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
{- "status": "success",
- "code": 200,
- "data": {
- "address_id": 2,
- "address_name": "Rumah John Wick 2",
- "zip_code": 53135,
- "address_detail": "Jl. Raya Tamansari, Kompleks Karangwuni, Desa, Dusun I, Tamansari, Karangmoncol, Kabupaten Purbalingga, Jawa Tengah 53355",
- "pic": "John Wick",
- "phone": "085741414434",
- "is_default": 0
Store Address
Request Body schema: application/json
address_name required | string |
zip_code required | integer |
address_detail required | string |
pic required | string |
phone required | string |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "address_name": "string",
- "zip_code": 0,
- "address_detail": "string",
- "pic": "string",
- "phone": "string"
Response samples
- 200
- 401
{- "status": "success",
- "code": 200,
- "message": "Address stored successfully"
Update Address
Rules: every user only have 1 is_default:1
path Parameters
address_id required | integer |
Request Body schema: application/json
address_name required | string |
zip_code required | integer |
address_detail required | string |
pic required | string |
phone required | string |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "address_name": "string",
- "zip_code": 0,
- "address_detail": "string",
- "pic": "string",
- "phone": "string"
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
{- "status": "success",
- "code": 200,
- "message": "Address updated successfully"
Delete Address
Rules: can't delete is_default data. Next feature => check if data already used on transactions.
path Parameters
address_id required | integer |
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
{- "status": "success",
- "code": 200,
- "message": "Address deleted successfully."
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
{- "status": "success",
- "code": 200,
- "data": [
- {
- "cart_id": 1,
- "product_id": 1,
- "product_name": "Jilbab Pasmia",
- "product_image": "www.example.com/img/products-112998209.jpg",
- "variant_id": 12,
- "variant_name": "Merah, S",
- "product_price": 330000,
- "stock": 10,
- "qty": 2,
- "subtotal": 660000
}, - {
- "cart_id": 2,
- "product_id": 2,
- "product_name": "Kaos kaki",
- "product_image": "www.example.com/img/products-112998209.jpg",
- "variant_id": 19,
- "variant_name": "Merah, S",
- "product_price": 30000,
- "stock": 10,
- "qty": 2,
- "subtotal": 60000
}, - {
- "cart_id": 3,
- "product_id": 5,
- "product_name": "Jilbab Keche",
- "product_image": "www.example.com/img/products-112998209.jpg",
- "variant_id": 20,
- "variant_name": "Merah, S",
- "product_price": 120000,
- "stock": 10,
- "qty": 2,
- "subtotal": 240000
Store Cart
Request Body schema: application/json
product_id | integer |
product_name | string |
variant_id | integer |
variant_name | string |
product_price | number <double> |
qty | integer |
subtotal | number <double> |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "product_id": 0,
- "product_name": "string",
- "variant_id": 0,
- "variant_name": "string",
- "product_price": 0,
- "qty": 0,
- "subtotal": 0
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
{- "status": "success",
- "code": 200,
- "message": "item stored successfully."
Store Cart
Request Body schema: application/json
product_id | integer |
product_name | string |
variant_id | integer |
variant_name | string |
product_price | number <double> |
qty | integer |
subtotal | number <double> |
Request samples
- Payload
[- {
- "product_id": 12,
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- 401
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List Orderku by partner_id
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query Parameters
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order_id | integer optional | leave it blank for all |
partner_address_id | integer optional | leave it blank for all |
offset | integer optional | leave it blank for all |
limit | integer optional | leave it blank for all |
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
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List Orderku by partner_id
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query Parameters
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order_id | integer optional | leave it blank for all |
partner_address_id | integer optional | leave it blank for all |
offset | integer optional | leave it blank for all |
limit | integer optional | leave it blank for all |
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
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- 400
- 401
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Orderku detail
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- 400
- 401
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Get Data Variant detail
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Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
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Orderku detail
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Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
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- "order_notes": "0",
- "subtotal": 100000,
- "customer_address": "detail, SEMARANG, SUNGAI SERUT, BENGKULU, 38119",
- "notes": "*Nilai pembayaran sudah disesuaikan dengan fitur input cepat",
- "is_cnote_scan": 0,
- "address_partner": [
- {
- "id": 43,
- "partner_id": 675,
- "name": "gudang semarang",
- "detail_address": "detail",
- "destination_id": 5054,
- "origin_code": "SRG10000",
- "zip_code": "50264",
- "pic_name": "dani",
- "pic_phone": "16031345",
- "is_default": 0,
- "created_at": "2022-03-16T17:45:32.000000Z",
- "updated_at": "2022-05-24T13:05:35.000000Z"
], - "product": [
- {
- "detail_id": 318,
- "product_sku": "REG",
- "detail_order_id": 298,
- "product_id": 219,
- "product_name": "Produk Reguler",
- "product_variant_id": 0,
- "variant_name": "",
- "price": 100000,
- "weight": 1000,
- "qty": 1
Response samples
- 200
- 401
{- "status": "success",
- "code": 200,
- "data": [
- {
- "value": "SRG21708",
- "subdistrict_name": "TUNJUNGMULI",
- "district_name": "KARANGMONCOL",
- "city_name": "PURBALINGGA"
}, - {
- "value": "SRG21701",
- "subdistrict_name": "BANJARSARI",
- "district_name": "BOBOTSARI",
- "city_name": "PURBALINGGA"
Response samples
- 200
- 401
{- "status": "success",
- "code": 200,
- "data": [
- {
- "value": "SRG21708",
}, - {
- "value": "SRG21701",
Response samples
- 200
- 401
{- "status": "success",
- "code": 200,
- "data": [
- {
- "customer_id": 5,
- "name": "chandra tunjungmuli",
- "tariff_code": "UPG23501",
- "phone": "09182938398",
- "address": "tunjungmuli rt.04, karangmoncol, purbalingga",
- "zip_code": "91574"
}, - {
- "customer_id": 6,
- "name": "chandra tunjungmuli",
- "tariff_code": "UPG23501",
- "phone": "09182938398",
- "address": "tunjungmuli rt.04, karangmoncol, purbalingga",
- "zip_code": "91574"
}, - {
- "customer_id": 7,
- "name": "chandra bobotsari",
- "tariff_code": "UPG23501",
- "phone": "09182938398",
- "address": "bobotsari , bobotsari, purbalingga",
- "zip_code": "91574"
Get Data customer
limit 10
query Parameters
limits required | string |
search required | string |
sort_spent required | string ASC/DESC |
sort_pcs required | string ASC/DESC |
total_order required | string |
product_name required | string |
spentFrom required | string |
spentTo required | string |
pcsFrom required | string |
pcsTo required | string |
orderFrom required | string |
orderTo required | string |
Response samples
- 200
- 401
{- "status": "success",
- "code": 200,
- "data": [
- {
- "customer_id": 5,
- "name": "chandra tunjungmuli",
- "is_whatsapp": 0,
- "tariff_code": "UPG23501",
- "phone": "09182938398",
- "address": "tunjungmuli rt.04, karangmoncol, purbalingga",
- "zip_code": "91574"
}, - {
- "customer_id": 6,
- "name": "chandra tunjungmuli",
- "is_whatsapp": 1,
- "tariff_code": "UPG23501",
- "phone": "09182938398",
- "address": "tunjungmuli rt.04, karangmoncol, purbalingga",
- "zip_code": "91574"
}, - {
- "customer_id": 7,
- "name": "chandra bobotsari",
- "tariff_code": "UPG23501",
- "phone": "09182938398",
- "address": "bobotsari , bobotsari, purbalingga",
- "zip_code": "91574"
calculate cost
query Parameters
tariff_code required | string |
discount required | string |
shipping required | string Enum: "JNE" "JNT" "POS" "SICEPAT" |
payment_method required | string Enum: "COD" "BANK TRANSFER" |
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
{- "status": "success",
- "code": 200,
- "data": [
- {
- "shipping_type": "OKE",
- "service_fee": 8484,
- "subtotal": 270000,
- "shipping_cost": 41484,
- "discount": "0",
- "grandtotal": 311484,
- "shipping_cashback": 3300,
- "net_profit": 266700
}, - {
- "shipping_type": "REG",
- "service_fee": 8596,
- "subtotal": 270000,
- "shipping_cost": 45596,
- "discount": "0",
- "grandtotal": 315596,
- "shipping_cashback": 3700,
- "net_profit": 266300
calculate cost shipping
query Parameters
discount | integer |
receiver_destination required | integer |
additional_cost required | integer |
grandtotal | integer |
partner_address_id required | integer |
subtotal | integer |
weight | integer |
partner_id required | integer |
cart required | integer |
payment_method required | string Enum: "COD" "BANK TRANSFER" |
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
{- "status": "success",
- "code": 200,
- "data": {
- "data_regular": [
- {
- "value": "JNE-REG19-14000",
- "shipment_name": "JNE",
- "shipping_type": "REG19",
- "subtotal": 100000,
- "shipping_cost": 14000,
- "weight": 1,
- "discount": 0,
- "grandtotal": 114000,
- "old_grandtotal": 114000,
- "service_fee": 3192,
- "additional_cost": 0,
- "service_fee_percentage": 2.8,
- "cashback": 3500,
- "cashback_percentage": 25,
- "net_profit": 100308
], - "data_truck": [
- {
- "value": "JNE-REG19-14000",
- "shipment_name": "JNE",
- "shipping_type": "REG19",
- "subtotal": 100000,
- "shipping_cost": 14000,
- "weight": 1,
- "discount": 0,
- "grandtotal": 114000,
- "old_grandtotal": 114000,
- "service_fee": 3192,
- "additional_cost": 0,
- "service_fee_percentage": 2.8,
- "cashback": 3500,
- "cashback_percentage": 25,
- "net_profit": 100308
], - "data_shipping": {
- "coverage_cod_sap": true
Store Orderku
path Parameters
partner_id required | integer |
Request Body schema: application/json
date | string <date> |
tariff_code | integer |
zip_code | string |
subdistrict_name | string |
district_name | string |
city_name | string |
custom_label_id | integer |
tracking_sales_id | integer |
is_komship | integer |
partner_address_id | integer |
customer_id | integer |
customer_destination_id | integer |
customer_name | string |
customer_phone | string |
is_whatsapp | integer |
detail_address | string |
order_notes | string |
shipping | any |
shipping_type | string |
payment_method | any |
bank | string |
bank_account_name | string |
bank_account_no | string |
subtotal | number <double> |
grandtotal | number <double> |
old_grandtotal | number <double> |
shipping_cost | number <double> |
service_fee | number <double> |
aditional_cost | number <double> |
discount | number <double> |
shipping_cashback | number <double> |
net_profit | number <double> |
cart | Array of integers[ items ] |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "date": "2019-08-24",
- "tariff_code": 0,
- "zip_code": "string",
- "subdistrict_name": "string",
- "district_name": "string",
- "city_name": "string",
- "custom_label_id": 0,
- "tracking_sales_id": 0,
- "is_komship": 0,
- "partner_address_id": 0,
- "customer_id": 0,
- "customer_destination_id": 0,
- "customer_name": "string",
- "customer_phone": "string",
- "is_whatsapp": 0,
- "detail_address": "string",
- "order_notes": "string",
- "shipping": null,
- "shipping_type": "string",
- "payment_method": null,
- "bank": "string",
- "bank_account_name": "string",
- "bank_account_no": "string",
- "subtotal": 0,
- "grandtotal": 0,
- "old_grandtotal": 0,
- "shipping_cost": 0,
- "service_fee": 0,
- "aditional_cost": 0,
- "discount": 0,
- "shipping_cashback": 0,
- "net_profit": 0,
- "cart": [
- 1,
- 2,
- 3
Response samples
- 200
- 401
{- "status": "success",
- "code": 200,
- "message": "Order stored successfully"
Store OrderkuV2
path Parameters
partner_id required | integer |
Request Body schema: application/json
date | string <date> |
tariff_code | integer |
subdistrict_name | string |
district_name | string |
city_name | string |
is_komship | integer |
customer_id | integer |
customer_name | string |
customer_phone | string |
customer_destination_id | integer |
tracking_sales_id | integer |
detail_address | string |
shipping | any |
shipping_type | string |
payment_method | any |
bank | string |
bank_account_name | string |
bank_account_no | string |
subtotal | number <double> |
grandtotal | number <double> |
shipping_cost | number <double> |
service_fee | number <double> |
discount | number <double> |
shipping_cashback | number <double> |
net_profit | number <double> |
cart | Array of integers[ items ] |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "date": "2019-08-24",
- "tariff_code": 0,
- "subdistrict_name": "string",
- "district_name": "string",
- "city_name": "string",
- "is_komship": 0,
- "customer_id": 0,
- "customer_name": "string",
- "customer_phone": "string",
- "customer_destination_id": 0,
- "tracking_sales_id": 0,
- "detail_address": "string",
- "shipping": null,
- "shipping_type": "string",
- "payment_method": null,
- "bank": "string",
- "bank_account_name": "string",
- "bank_account_no": "string",
- "subtotal": 0,
- "grandtotal": 0,
- "shipping_cost": 0,
- "service_fee": 0,
- "discount": 0,
- "shipping_cashback": 0,
- "net_profit": 0,
- "cart": [
- 1,
- 2,
- 3
Response samples
- 200
- 401
{- "status": "success",
- "code": 200,
- "message": "Order stored successfully"
Request Body schema: application/json
options | string |
data | Array of any[ items ] |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "options": "submit",
- "data": ""
Response samples
- 200
- 401
{- "status": "success",
- "code": 200,
- "message": "Order stored successfully"
Check airway_bill
path Parameters
no_resi required | string |
order_id required | string |
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
{- "status": "success",
- "code": 200,
- "data": {
- "airway_bill": "4808012000000159",
- "receiver": "NORMA BUGIS",
- "customer": "JUITA RUMKEL",
- "origin": "PKY20700",
- "destination": "AMQ20301",
- "phone": "09182938398",
- "airway_date": "30-10-2020 12:27",
- "shipping": "JNE",
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
{- "status": "success",
- "code": 200,
- "data": [
- {
- "airway_bill": 2521202200079349,
- "receiver": "desi",
- "customer": "DHANIK RACHMAWATI",
- "cnote_date": "2022-10-05T20:13:00.000+07:00",
- "cnote_last_update": "2022-10-06T16:05:00.000+07:00",
- "airway_address": "DUSUN 02 BLOK PETAPAN RT.9R",
- "last_status": "DELIVERED TO [desi | 06-10-2022 16:05 | SOLO ]",
- "history": [
- {
- "date": "2022-10-05 17:22:00",
- "desc": "Diterima di Gudang Sortir [CIREBON]",
- "code": "OP1",
- "status": "Pickup",
- "send_wa": 0
}, - {
- "date": "2022-10-05 20:13:00",
- "desc": "Paket Udah di Konter Ekspedisi [KLANGENAN SUMBER]",
- "code": "RC1",
- "status": "Pickup",
- "send_wa": 0
}, - {
- "date": "2022-10-05 23:31:00",
- "desc": "Diproses di Gudang Sortir [CBN KLANGENAN PALIMANAN]",
- "code": "OP2",
- "status": "Process",
- "send_wa": 0
}, - {
- "date": "2022-10-06 11:12:00",
- "desc": "Diterima di Gudang [SOLOADISUMARMO INBOUND]",
- "code": "IP1",
- "status": "Process",
- "send_wa": 0
}, - {
- "date": "2022-10-06 13:56:00",
- "desc": "Lagi Dicoba Dianter Kurir [SOLO]",
- "code": "IP3",
- "status": "Delivery",
- "send_wa": 0
}, - {
- "date": "2022-10-06 16:05:00",
- "desc": "Paket Udah Diterima Oleh [desi | 06-10-2022 16:05 | SOLO ]",
- "code": "D10",
- "status": "Delivered",
- "send_wa": 0
Update airway_bill
path Parameters
partner_id required | integer |
order_id required | integer |
Request Body schema: multipart/form-data
airway_bill required | string no_resi |
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
{- "status": "success",
- "code": 200,
- "message": "order updated successfully."
Metrics Retur Order tab | On Process
path Parameters
partner_id required | integer |
query Parameters
start_date | string <date> optional |
end_date | string <date> optional |
customer_name | string optional |
payment_method | string Enum: "COD" "BANK TRANSFER" optional | leave it blank for all |
is_komship | integer Enum: 1 0 optional | leave it blank for all |
order_status | integer Enum: 0 1 2 3 4 optional | leave it blank for all | 0 = Diajukan 1 = Dikirim 2 = Diterima 3 = Retur 4 = Batal |
order_id | integer optional | leave it blank for all |
partner_address_id | integer optional | leave it blank for all |
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
{- "status": "success",
- "code": 200,
- "data": {
- "retur_on_process": 23
Metrics Retur Order tab
path Parameters
partner_id required | integer |
query Parameters
start_date required | string <date> |
end_date required | string <date> |
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
{- "status": "success",
- "code": 200,
- "data": {
- "total_order": 231,
- "total_order_retur": 124,
- "percentage_retur": "23.4"
Generate Print Label By Order ID
Request Body schema: application/json
page required | string |
print_date | string |
order_id | integer |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "page": "page_6",
- "print_date": "2023-02-02",
- "order_id": 277876
Response samples
- 200
- 401
{- "status": "success",
- "code": 200,
- "message": "successfully get lable!",
- "data": {
- "base_64": "SFRUUC8xLjAgMjAwIE9LDQpDYWNoZS1Db250cm9sOiAgICAgICBuby1jYWNoZSwgcHJpdmF0ZQ0KQ29udGVudC1EaXNwb3NpdGlvbjogYXR0YWNobWVudDsgZmlsZW5hbWU9Imxh...."
Generate Print Label By Order ID
Request Body schema: application/json
page required | string |
print_date | string |
order_id | integer |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "page": "page_6",
- "print_date": "2023-02-02",
- "order_id": 277876
Response samples
- 200
- 401
{- "status": "success",
- "code": 200,
- "message": "successfully get lable!",
- "data": {
- "base_64": "SFRUUC8xLjAgMjAwIE9LDQpDYWNoZS1Db250cm9sOiAgICAgICBuby1jYWNoZSwgcHJpdmF0ZQ0KQ29udGVudC1EaXNwb3NpdGlvbjogYXR0YWNobWVudDsgZmlsZW5hbWU9Imxh...."
Response samples
- 200
- 401
{- "status": "success",
- "code": 200,
- "data": {
- "address_detail": "Jalan Utama Cigowek, Perum Graha Kartika Majalengka Blok J-10",
- "address_name": "Rumah/Toko",
- "district": "CIGASONG",
- "pic_name": "Candra",
- "pic_phone": "081234597192",
- "pickup_date": "2022-10-04",
- "pickup_time": "18:00:00",
- "vehicle": "Motor",
- "data_order": [
- {
- "product_name": "Sendal Nadif",
- "is_variant": 1,
- "total": 0,
- "variant": [
- {
- "variant_name": "Merah, L",
- "total": 10
], - "total_qty": 10,
- "total_order": 2
Detail Pickup Order V2
path Parameters
pickup_id required | integer |
query Parameters
shipping_name | string |
is_print | integer |
Response samples
- 200
- 401
{- "status": "success",
- "code": 200,
- "data": [
- {
- "airway_bill": "001711126490",
- "customer_name": "Label3",
- "detail_address": "PURBALINGGA, JAWA TENGAH",
- "fulfillment_fee": 0,
- "is_print": 1,
- "order_date": "2023-02-15 12:42:48",
- "order_id": 3057,
- "partner_id": 201,
- "payment_method": "COD",
- "product": [
- {
- "detail_id": 312,
- "detail_order_id": 357,
- "product_id": 132,
- "product_name": "Kasur Roi",
- "product_sku": "",
- "product_variant_id": "",
- "qty": 1,
- "variant_name": ""
], - "shipping": "SICEPAT",
- "warehouse_type": "Private Warehouse"
Store Pickup
path Parameters
partner_id required | integer |
Request Body schema: application/json
pickup_date | string <date> |
partner_name | integer |
pickup_time | string <time> |
pic | string |
pic_phone | string |
vehicle | string |
address_id | integer |
address_detail | string |
orders | integer |
token | string |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "pickup_date": "2019-08-24",
- "partner_name": 0,
- "pickup_time": "14:15:22Z",
- "pic": "string",
- "pic_phone": "string",
- "vehicle": "string",
- "address_id": 0,
- "address_detail": "string",
- "orders": 5627,
- "token": "token123"
Response samples
- 200
- 401
{- "status": "success",
- "code": 200,
- "message": "Order stored successfully"
Store Pickup
path Parameters
partner_id required | integer |
Request Body schema: application/json
pickup_date | string <date> |
partner_name | integer |
pickup_time | string <time> |
pic | string |
pic_phone | string |
vehicle | string |
address_id | integer |
address_detail | string |
order | integer |
token | string |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "pickup_date": "2019-08-24",
- "partner_name": 0,
- "pickup_time": "14:15:22Z",
- "pic": "string",
- "pic_phone": "string",
- "vehicle": "string",
- "address_id": 0,
- "address_detail": "string",
- "order": 5627,
- "token": "token123"
Response samples
- 200
- 401
{- "status": "success",
- "code": 200,
- "message": "Order stored successfully"
Response samples
- 200
- 401
{- "status": "success",
- "code": 200,
- "message": "Order stored successfully"
Response samples
- 200
- 401
{- "status": "success",
- "code": 200,
- "data": {
- "is_set": true
Response samples
- 200
- 401
{- "status": "success",
- "code": 200,
- "message": "Email Sent, Check your Inbox.",
- "data": {
- "date": "2021-10-14 10:26:11"
chart performance shipping
chart performance shipping
query Parameters
month required | string mm | 01 - 12 |
shipper required | string Enum: "JNE" "JNT" "POS" "SICEPAT" |
Response samples
- 200
- 401
{- "status": "success",
- "code": 200,
- "data": {
- "categories": [
- "2021-09-30",
- "2021-09-31"
], - "cod": [
- 82000,
- 81000
], - "non_cod": [
- 90000,
- 0
chart performance partner
chart performance partner
query Parameters
month required | string mm | 01 - 12 |
Response samples
- 200
- 401
{- "status": "success",
- "code": 200,
- "data": {
- "categories": [
- "2021-09-30",
- "2021-09-31"
], - "cod": [
- 82000,
- 81000
], - "non_cod": [
- 90000,
- 0
Response samples
- 200
- 401
{- "status": "success",
- "code": 200,
- "data": {
- "cod": [
- {
- "shipping": "JNE",
- "profit": 113750
}, - {
- "shipping": "JNT",
- "profit": 11750
], - "non_cod": [
- {
- "shipping": "JNT",
- "profit": 113750
}, - {
- "shipping": "JNE",
- "profit": 10750
Response samples
- 200
- 401
{- "status": "success",
- "code": 200,
- "data": {
- "cod": [
- {
- "partner": "Tatausahaku",
- "partner_id": 201,
- "profit": 113750
}, - {
- "partner": "Tatausahamu",
- "partner_id": 202,
- "profit": 11750
], - "non_cod": [
- {
- "partner": "Tatausahamu",
- "partner_id": 202,
- "profit": 113750
}, - {
- "partner": "Tatausahaku",
- "partner_id": 201,
- "profit": 10750
Perkembangan Partner
Perkembangan Partner
query Parameters
start_date required | string Tanggal Awal Filter |
end_date required | string Tanggal Akhir Filter |
limits required | string default 50 |
order_by required | string OrderBy berdasarkan first_product|first_pickup|last_pickup|full_name |
sort_by required | string Diurutkan Berdasakarna ASC/DESC |
filter required | string Filter |
start_date_pickup required | string Tanggal Pickup Awal Filter |
end_date_pickup required | string Tanggal Pickup Akhir Filter |
Response samples
- 200
- 401
{- "status": "success",
- "code": 200,
- "data": {
- "current_page": 1,
- "data": "",
- "first_page_url": "/?page=1",
- "from": 1,
- "last_page": 11,
- "last_page_url": "/?page=11",
- "links": "",
- "next_page_url": "/?page=2",
- "path": "/",
- "per_page": 50,
- "prev_page_url": "string",
- "to": 50,
- "total": "537"
Perkembangan Partner Juragan
Perkembangan Partner Juragan
query Parameters
limits required | integer Limit data |
offset required | integer offset data |
pickup_date required | string 2023-01 |
search | string searching by name, email, no_hp |
Response samples
- 200
- 401
{- "status": "success",
- "code": 200,
- "data": {
- "partner_id": 799,
- "name": "Wisnu Gierie",
- "no_hp": "089504300695",
- "join_date": "2022-01-30",
- "last_pickup": "2023-02-02",
- "transaction": {
- "total": 1000,
- "expeditions": {
- "jne": 20,
- "sicepat": 30,
- "idexpress": 10,
- "sap": 40
}, - "retur_ratio": 10,
- "problem_ratio": 20,
- "unread_tickets": 15,
- "notes": "partner ini mantap jiwa",
- "pickup_activities": [
- {
- "indicator": 1
Perkembangan Partner Juragan add notes
Perkembangan Partner Juragan add notes
Request Body schema: application/json
partner_id | integer |
notes | string |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "partner_id": 799,
- "notes": "Partner ini tidak aktif selama satu bulan"
Response samples
- 200
- 401
{- "status": "success",
- "code": 200,
- "message": "success input notes."
Monitoring Pickup
query Parameters
Search | string search |
sort | string Sort Data | asc|desc |
filter_status | string Filter Status Default Semua | Belum Dipickup |
total_per_page | string Filter Status Default Semua |
Response samples
- 200
- 401
{- "status": "success",
- "code": 200,
- "data": {
- "current_page": 1,
- "data": [
- {
- "pickup_request_date": "2022-08-25 14:00:00",
- "user_name": "Rendy Herdiawan",
- "user_phone": "081382261347",
- "shipping": "IDEXPRESS",
- "qty": 1,
- "no_resi": "IDE702693372858",
- "pickup_city": "JAKARTA TIMUR",
- "order_status": "Dikirim",
- "delay": "1 hari 5 jam",
- "pickup_detail": [
- {
- "id": "21226,",
- "partner_id": 7024,
- "address_name": "x - Febria Pancaningrum",
- "pic": "x - Febria Pancaningrum",
- "pic_phone": "081382261347",
- "address_detail": "Kawasan Pergudangan Bizpark Blok A1 No.35, Jl. Raya Bekasi Km. 21,5 Rawa Terate",
- "district": "CAKUNG",
- "city": "JAKARTA TIMUR",
- "pickup_date": "2022-08-25",
- "pickup_time": 50400
], - "first_page_url": "/?page=1",
- "from": 1,
- "last_page": 1,
- "last_page_url": "/?page=2",
- "links": "",
- "next_page_url": "/?page=2",
- "path": "/",
- "per_page": 50,
- "prev_page_url": "/?page=1",
- "to": 50,
- "total": 100
Monitoring Pickup
query Parameters
limits | integer |
offset | integer |
search | string Hello ges ini search bisa search cnote dan nama |
filter_shipping | string One of these= JNE, SICEPAT, IDEXPRESS, SAP or Include all, separated by ",". |
Response samples
- 200
- 401
{- "status": "success",
- "code": 200,
- "data": {
- "pickup_request_date": "2022-08-25 14:00:00",
- "user_name": "Rendy Herdiawan",
- "user_phone": "081382261347",
- "shipping": "IDEXPRESS",
- "qty": 1,
- "no_resi": "IDE702693372858",
- "pickup_city": "JAKARTA TIMUR",
- "order_status": "Dikirim",
- "delay": "1 hari 5 jam",
- "delay_status": "Terlewati",
- "pickup_detail": {
- "id": 21226,
- "address_name": "x - Febria Pancaningrum",
- "address_detail": "Kawasan Pergudangan Bizpark Blok A1 No.35, Jl. Raya Bekasi Km. 21,5 Rawa Terate",
- "city": "JAKARTA TIMUR",
- "district": "CAKUNG",
- "pic": "x - Febria Pancaningrum",
- "pic_phone": "081382261347",
- "pickup_date": "2022-08-25",
- "pickup_time": 50400
total ticket
total ticket
query Parameters
expedition | string JNE|SICEPAT|IDEXPRESS |
start_date required | string 2022-10-01 |
end_date required | string 2022-10-30 |
Response samples
- 200
- 401
{- "status": "success",
- "code": 200,
- "data": [
- {
- "date": "2022-10-01",
- "JNE": 201,
- "SICEPAT": 100,
}, - {
- "date": "2022-10-02",
- "JNE": 201,
- "SICEPAT": 100,
}, - {
- "date": "2022-10-03",
- "JNE": 201,
- "SICEPAT": 100,
}, - {
- "date": "2022-10-04",
- "JNE": 201,
- "SICEPAT": 100,
}, - {
- "date": "2022-10-05",
- "JNE": 201,
- "SICEPAT": 100,
}, - {
- "date": "2022-10-06",
- "JNE": 201,
- "SICEPAT": 100,
}, - {
- "date": "2022-10-07",
- "JNE": 201,
- "SICEPAT": 100,
}, - {
- "date": "2022-10-08",
- "JNE": 201,
- "SICEPAT": 100,
}, - {
- "date": "2022-10-09",
- "JNE": 201,
- "SICEPAT": 100,
}, - {
- "date": "2022-10-10",
- "JNE": 201,
- "SICEPAT": 100,
}, - {
- "date": "2022-10-11",
- "JNE": 201,
- "SICEPAT": 100,
}, - {
- "date": "2022-10-12",
- "JNE": 201,
- "SICEPAT": 100,
}, - {
- "date": "2022-10-13",
- "JNE": 0,
- "SICEPAT": 0,
}, - {
- "date": "2022-10-14",
- "JNE": 0,
- "SICEPAT": 0,
}, - {
- "date": "2022-10-15",
- "JNE": 201,
- "SICEPAT": 100,
}, - {
- "date": "2022-10-16",
- "JNE": 201,
- "SICEPAT": 100,
}, - {
- "date": "2022-10-17",
- "JNE": 201,
- "SICEPAT": 100,
}, - {
- "date": "2022-10-18",
- "JNE": 201,
- "SICEPAT": 100,
}, - {
- "date": "2022-10-19",
- "JNE": 201,
- "SICEPAT": 100,
}, - {
- "date": "2022-10-20",
- "JNE": 201,
- "SICEPAT": 100,
}, - {
- "date": "2022-10-21",
- "JNE": 0,
- "SICEPAT": 0,
}, - {
- "date": "2022-10-22",
- "JNE": 0,
- "SICEPAT": 0,
}, - {
- "date": "2022-10-23"
}, - {
- "date": "2022-10-24"
total ticket
metrics reliability
query Parameters
start_date required | string 2022-10-01 |
end_date required | string 2022-10-30 |
Response samples
- 200
- 401
{- "status": "success",
- "code": 200,
- "data": [
- {
- "id": 3,
- "date": "2022-11-01",
- "total_verification": 22,
- "total_dipacking": 91,
- "total_dikirim": 1690,
- "total_diterima": 2030,
- "total_retur": 202,
- "total_retur_done": 347,
- "total_ticket_jne": 428,
- "total_ticket_sicepat": 94,
- "total_ticket_idexpress": 160
}, - {
- "id": 4,
- "date": "2022-11-02",
- "total_verification": 22,
- "total_dipacking": 153,
- "total_dikirim": 2841,
- "total_diterima": 2000,
- "total_retur": 255,
- "total_retur_done": 261,
- "total_ticket_jne": 421,
- "total_ticket_sicepat": 117,
- "total_ticket_idexpress": 125
Data withdrawal
query Parameters
search | string where like email, fullname, bank_no | leave it blank for all |
status | string Enum: "requested" "canceled" "on_review" "completed" "rejected" leave it blank for all |
start_date | string |
end_date | string |
total_per_page | string limit per page (pagination) |
Response samples
- 200
- 401
{- "status": "success",
- "code": 200,
- "data": [
- {
- "withdrawal_id": 44,
- "partner_name": "Tatausahaku",
- "bank_name": "BCA",
- "bank_account_no": "981238787",
- "bank_account_name": "Tatausahaku",
- "nominal": 90000,
- "status": "requested",
- "created_at": "2021-07-14 21:44:44"
}, - {
- "withdrawal_id": 45,
- "partner_name": "Tatausahaku",
- "bank_name": "BCA",
- "bank_account_no": "981238787",
- "bank_account_name": "Tatausahaku",
- "nominal": 10000,
- "status": "rejected",
- "created_at": "2021-07-14 21:44:44"
Detail withdrawal
path Parameters
withdrawal_id required | integer |
Response samples
- 200
- 401
{- "status": "success",
- "code": 200,
- "data": {
- "withdrawal_id": 44,
- "partner_name": "Tatausahaku",
- "bank_name": "BCA",
- "bank_account_no": "981238787",
- "bank_account_name": "Tatausahaku",
- "notes": "Tatausahaku",
- "status": "requested",
- "total_balance": 2000000,
- "beginning_balance": 1000000,
- "current_balance": 300000,
- "withdrawal_nominal": 700000,
- "withdrawal_date": "2021-10-14",
- "orders": [
- {
- "order_id": 1,
- "order_date": "2021-10-13",
- "payment_method": "BANK TRANSFER",
- "order_grandtotal": 230000,
- "shipping_cost": 30000,
- "service_fee": 0,
- "net_profit": 200000
}, - {
- "order_id": 2,
- "order_date": "2021-10-11",
- "payment_method": "BANK TRANSFER",
- "order_grandtotal": 131000,
- "shipping_cost": 31000,
- "service_fee": 0,
- "net_profit": 100000
}, - {
- "order_id": 3,
- "order_date": "2021-10-11",
- "payment_method": "COD",
- "order_grandtotal": 300000,
- "shipping_cost": 30000,
- "service_fee": 3300,
- "net_profit": 206700
Detail withdrawal
path Parameters
withdrawal_id required | integer |
query Parameters
status required | string Enum: "canceled" "on_review" "completed" "rejected" |
Request Body schema: multipart/form-data
notes | string <text> used on button review |
transfer_proof | string <binary> used on button tranfer manual |
Response samples
- 200
- 401
{- "status": "success",
- "code": 200,
- "message": "Withdrawal successfully updated.",
- "data": { }
Detail withdrawal
path Parameters
withdrawal_id required | integer |
query Parameters
status required | string Enum: "canceled" "on_review" "completed" "rejected" |
Request Body schema: multipart/form-data
notes | string <text> used on button review |
transfer_proof | string <binary> used on button tranfer manual |
Response samples
- 200
- 401
{- "status": "success",
- "code": 200,
- "message": "Withdrawal successfully updated.",
- "data": { }
Response samples
- 200
- 401
{- "status": "success",
- "code": 200,
- "data": {
- "partner_user_id": 201,
- "withdrawal_id": 251,
- "partner_name": "Sachio",
- "phone_number": "08172316723",
- "bank_name": "Anglomas International bank",
- "bank_account_no": "23423413241233",
- "bank_account_name": "Qvvd",
- "notes": "akhfas withdraw",
- "status": "requested",
- "beginning_balance": 0,
- "current_balance": 1270000,
- "balance_after_approval": 1260000,
- "withdrawal_nominal": 100000,
- "withdrawal_date": "2022-09-05 15:09:18",
- "transfer_proof": "string",
- "retur_shipping_cost_potensial": 2150000,
- "retur_shipping_cost_when_arrived": 650000,
- "potecy_income": 1241256,
- "ideal_balance": 4092986124,
- "information_summary": {
- "brand_name": "Annafi PBG",
- "recent_balance": 10000000,
- "join_date": "2020-01-01",
- "first_pickup": "2022-01-02",
- "last_pickup": "2022-11-12",
- "problem_ratio": {
- "ratio": [
- 24,
- 29
], - "percentage": 83
}, - "retur_ratio": {
- "ratio": [
- 24,
- 29
], - "percentage": 83
}, - "problem_description": [
- {
- "description": "desc",
- "ratio": [
- 22,
- 24
], - "percentage": 8
checking withdrawal detail transaction history of partner for admin
path Parameters
user_id required | integer |
query Parameters
page | integer |
total_per_page | integer |
Response samples
- 200
- 401
{- "status": "success",
- "code": 200,
- "partner_id": 201,
- "data": {
- "current_page": 1,
- "data": [
- {
- "type": "credit",
- "nominal": 100000,
- "saldo": 0,
- "description": "topup",
- "order_id": 21700,
- "created_at": "2021-07-02 10:11:57",
- "shipping_name": "IDEXPRESS",
- "cnote": "IDE701751376332"
], - "first_page_url": "/?page=1",
- "from": 1,
- "last_page": 7,
- "last_page_url": "/?page=7",
- "links": "",
- "next_page_url": "/?page=2",
- "path": "/",
- "per_page": 50,
- "prev_page_url": "string",
- "to": 50,
- "total": "326"
query Parameters
start_date required | string <date> |
end_date required | string <date> |
shipping required | string Enum: "JNE" "JNT" "POS" "SICEPAT" |
payment_method | string Enum: "COD" "BANK TRANSFER" leave it blank for all transactions |
sort | string Enum: "ASC" "DESC" leave it blank for no sort |
Response samples
- 200
- 401
{- "status": "success",
- "code": 200,
- "data": {
- "profit": {
- "total_shipping_profit": 200000,
- "total_cod_profit": 300000
}, - "incomes": [
- {
- "partner_name": "Tatausahaku",
- "district": "Purbalingga",
- "shipping_cost": 1000000,
- "grandtotal": 20000000,
- "shipping_profit": 250000,
- "net_profit": 1900000
}, - {
- "partner_name": "Tatausahamu",
- "district": "Jakarta",
- "shipping_cost": 1000000,
- "grandtotal": 20000000,
- "shipping_profit": 250000,
- "net_profit": 1900000
get all user problem with problem over 50 percent
query Parameters
limits | integer |
offset | integer |
name_email | string |
filter | integer 1=fake, 2=hold, 3=unhold |
Response samples
- 200
- 401
- 403
{- "status": "success",
- "code": 200,
- "message": "success fetching data.",
- "data": [
- {
- "partner_id": 201,
- "full_name": "sachio",
- "phone_number": "087126361232",
- "join_date": "2020-01-01",
- "last_update": "2020-01-01 10:22:05",
- "running_orders": 200,
- "expedition_ratio": {
- "percentage": 67,
- "shipping_name": "JNE",
}, - "payment_method_ratio": {
- "percentage": 100,
- "payment_name": "COD"
}, - "main_warehouse": {
- "city_name": "DKI JAKARTA",
- "address_detail": "dekat monas"
}, - "product_ratio": {
- "product_name": "coba full berat 300gr",
- "product_percentage": 50,
- "product_variant_percentage": 100,
}, - "problem_ratio": {
- "percentage": 65,
- "top_problem_description": "Penerima tidak merasa pesan",
- "top_problem_percentage": 92,
- "top_problem_comparison": ""
}, - "retur_percentage": "47.5",
- "user_status": 0
get all user problem with problem over 50 percent
Request Body schema: application/json
partner_id | integer |
status | integer |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "partner_id": 201,
- "status": "1=fake, 2=hold, 3=unhold"
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 403
- 500
{- "status": "success",
- "code": 200,
- "message": ""
Response samples
- 200
- 401
{- "status": "success",
- "code": 200,
- "message": "Success get summary balance",
- "data": {
- "balance": 200000,
- "pending_balance": 300000,
- "total_earn_cashback": 200000
Summary Earned Cashback
query Parameters
partner_id | integer leave blank to get default from bearer |
start_date | string |
end_date | string |
Response samples
- 200
- 401
{- "status": "success",
- "code": 200,
- "message": "Success get summary cashback",
- "data": {
- "total_earn_cashback": 500000,
- "total_earn_cashback_diterima": 300000,
- "total_earn_cashback_retur": 200000
Response samples
- 200
- 401
{- "status": "success",
- "code": 200,
- "message": "Success get order balance",
- "data": {
- "total_need_to_be_sent": 200000,
- "total_return": 300000
Top Admin Order
query Parameters
partner_id required | integer |
limit required | integer |
Response samples
- 200
- 401
{- "status": "success",
- "code": 200,
- "message": "Success get top admin order",
- "data": [
- {
- "admin_name": "Tatausahaku",
- "net_profit": 300000,
- "total_order": 4
Top customer Loyal
query Parameters
partner_id required | integer |
limit required | integer |
Response samples
- 200
- 401
{- "status": "success",
- "code": 200,
- "message": "Success get customer loyal",
- "data": [
- {
- "customer_name": "Pak Muh",
- "total_spent": 300000,
- "total_order": 1
Chart performa customer service
query Parameters
partner_id required | integer |
start_date required | string <date> |
end_date required | string <date> |
Response samples
- 200
- 401
{- "status": "success",
- "code": 200,
- "message": "Success get chart customer-service",
- "data": {
- "leads": [
- {
- "label": "10:00",
- "value": 1
}, - {
- "label": "11:00",
- "value": 1
], - "orders": [
- {
- "label": "10:00",
- "value": 1
}, - {
- "label": "11:00",
- "value": 1
], - "pcs": [
- {
- "label": "10:00",
- "value": 1
}, - {
- "label": "11:00",
- "value": 1
query Parameters
start_date required | string <date> |
end_date required | string <date> |
limit required | integer |
Response samples
- 200
- 401
{- "status": "success",
- "code": 200,
- "message": "Succes get best seller products",
- "data": [
- {
- "product_id": 180,
- "total_sold": 5,
- "last_month_total_sold": 10,
- "total_sold_change_percentage": 100,
- "detail_product": {
- "id": 180,
- "product_name": "Testing berat produk dgn variasi",
- "product_sku": "SKU-011",
- "product_is_variant": 1,
- "options": {
- "id": 1748,
- "variant_id": 302,
- "option_name": "Merah",
- "option_parent": 1747,
- "total_sold": 10,
- "option_child": {
- "id": 1748,
- "variant_id": 302,
- "option_name": "XL",
- "option_parent": 1747,
- "total_sold": 10,
- "option_child": {
- "id": 1748,
- "variant_id": 302,
- "option_name": "Panjang",
- "option_parent": 1747,
- "total_sold": 10
Response samples
- 200
- 401
{- "status": "success",
- "code": 200,
- "data": [
- {
- "value": 1,
- "label": "JAWA"
}, - {
- "value": 2,
- "label": "BALI"
Response samples
- 200
- 401
{- "status": "success",
- "code": 200,
- "data": [
- {
- "shipping_id": 1,
- "shipping_name": "JNE",
- "cashback_from": 28,
- "service_fee_from": 2.5,
- "cashback_to": 25,
- "service_fee_to": 2.8
}, - {
- "shipping_id": 1,
- "shipping_name": "J&T",
- "cashback_from": 28,
- "service_fee_from": 2.5,
- "cashback_to": 25,
- "service_fee_to": 2.8
}, - {
- "shipping_id": 1,
- "shipping_name": "SICEPAT",
- "cashback_from": 28,
- "service_fee_from": 2.5,
- "cashback_to": 25,
- "service_fee_to": 2.8
Admin shipment detail
Admin shipment detail
path Parameters
shipping_id required | integer |
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
{- "status": "success",
- "code": 200,
- "data": {
- "shipping_id": 1,
- "shipping_name": "JNE",
- "service_name": "REG",
- "cashback_from": 28,
- "service_fee_from": "2.5",
- "cashback_to": 25,
- "service_fee_to": "2.8",
- "vehicles": [
- "MOTOR",
- "MOBIL",
], - "criterias": [
- {
- "criteria_id": 1,
- "origin": [
- "JAWA",
- "BALI"
], - "origin_value": [
- 1,
- 2
], - "destination": [
- "JAWA",
- "BALI"
], - "destination_value": [
- 1,
- 2
], - "type": "include",
- "delivery": 100,
- "retur": 25
Admin shipment store
Admin shipment store
Request Body schema: application/json
Request samples
- Payload
{- "shipping_name": "JNE",
- "service_name": "REG",
- "cashback_from": 2.8,
- "service_fee_from": 2.5,
- "service_fee_to": 25,
- "cashback_to": 25,
- "max_pickup_time": "15:00",
- "vehicles": [
- "MOTOR",
- "MOBIL",
], - "criterias": [
- {
- "origin": [
- 1,
- 2
], - "destination": [
- 1,
- 2
], - "delivery": 100,
- "retur": 25,
- "type": "Include"
Response samples
- 200
- 401
{- "status": "success",
- "code": 200,
- "message": "Shipment stored successfully"
Admin shipment update
Admin shipment update
path Parameters
shipping_id required | integer |
Request Body schema: application/json
Request samples
- Payload
{- "shipping_name": "JNE",
- "service_name": "REG",
- "cashback_from": 2.8,
- "service_fee_from": 2.5,
- "service_fee_to": 25,
- "cashback_to": 25,
- "max_pickup_time": "15:00",
- "vehicles": [
- "MOTOR",
- "MOBIL",
], - "criterias": [
- {
- "origin": [
- 1,
- 2
], - "destination": [
- 1,
- 2
], - "delivery": 100,
- "retur": 25,
- "type": "Include"
Response samples
- 200
- 401
{- "status": "success",
- "code": 200,
- "message": "Shipment updated successfully"
Get Data destination which not available for cod service
limit 10
query Parameters
district_name | string |
zip_code | string |
city_name | string |
Response samples
- 200
- 401
{- "status": "success",
- "code": 200,
- "data": [
- {
- "zip_code": 52221,
- "subdistrict_name": "TUNJUNGMULI",
- "district_name": "KARANGMONCOL",
- "city_name": "PURBALINGGA"
}, - {
- "zip_code": 52221,
- "subdistrict_name": "TUNJUNGMULI",
- "district_name": "KARANGMONCOL",
- "city_name": "PURBALINGGA"
Import data from excel/csv format
limit 10
Request Body schema: multipart/form-data
files required | string <binary> Allowed file .csv, .xls, .xlsx |
Response samples
- 200
- 401
{- "status": "success",
- "code": 200,
- "data": "File imported to temporary successfully"
Response samples
- 200
- 401
{- "status": "success",
- "code": 200,
- "data": "Data stored successfully"
Response samples
- 200
- 401
{- "status": "success",
- "code": 200,
- "data": "Data deleted successfully"
Response samples
- 200
- 401
{- "status": "success",
- "code": 200,
- "data": "Data deleted successfully"
Partner shipment
Partner shipment
query Parameters
is_komship | integer Enum: 1 0 |
Response samples
- 200
- 401
{- "status": "success",
- "code": 200,
- "data": [
- {
- "shipment_id": 1,
- "shipping_name": "JNE",
- "is_active": 1,
- "is_komship": 1
}, - {
- "shipment_id": 2,
- "shipping_name": "JNT",
- "is_active": 1,
- "is_komship": 1
}, - {
- "shipment_id": 2,
- "shipping_name": "JNE",
- "is_active": 1,
- "is_komship": 0
Partner shipment update
Partner shipment update
path Parameters
shipping_id required | integer |
Request Body schema: application/json
Request samples
- Payload
{- "shipping_name": "JNE",
- "is_komship": 0,
- "partner_id": 201,
- "is_active": 1
Response samples
- 200
- 401
{- "status": "success",
- "code": 200,
- "message": "Shipment updated successfully"
Response samples
- 200
- 401
{- "status": "success",
- "code": 200,
- "data": [
- {
- "order_date": "2021-10-13",
- "customer_name": "Chandra Kun",
- "airway_bill": "3121212398",
- "cnote": "3121212398"
}, - {
- "order_date": "2021-10-13",
- "customer_name": "Chandra Kun",
- "airway_bill": "3121212398",
- "cnote": "3121212398"
Request samples
- Payload
"4808012000000159, 4808012000000157, 4808012000000158"
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
{- "status": "success",
- "code": 200,
- "data": [
- {
- "airway_bill": "4808012000000159",
- "receiver": "NORMA BUGIS",
- "customer": "JUITA RUMKEL",
- "cnote_date": "30-10-2020 12:27",
- "cnote_last_update": "06-11-2020 11:00",
- "last_status": "DELIVERED TO [NORMA BUGIS | 06-11-2020 11:00 | AMBON ]"
}, - {
- "airway_bill": "4808012000000157",
- "receiver": "NORMA BUGIS",
- "customer": "JUITA RUMKEL",
- "cnote_date": "30-10-2020 12:27",
- "cnote_last_update": "06-11-2020 11:00",
- "last_status": "DELIVERED TO [NORMA BUGIS | 06-11-2020 11:00 | AMBON ]"
}, - {
- "airway_bill": "4808012000000158",
- "receiver": "NORMA BUGIS",
- "customer": "JUITA RUMKEL",
- "cnote_date": "30-10-2020 12:27",
- "cnote_last_update": "06-11-2020 11:00",
- "last_status": "DELIVERED TO [NORMA BUGIS | 06-11-2020 11:00 | AMBON ]"
Setting Tracking Sales
Seeting Tracking Sales
Request Body schema: application/json
is_tracking_sale | integer |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "is_tracking_sale": 1
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
{- "status": "success",
- "code": 200,
- "message": "Successfully Update Feature Tracking Sales!"
Store Tracking Sales
Store Tracking Sales
Request Body schema: application/json
name required | string |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "name": "Admin Satu"
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
{- "status": "success",
- "code": 200,
- "message": "Successfully Store Tracking Sales!"
Update Tracking Sales
Update Tracking Sales
path Parameters
tracking_sales_id required | integer |
Request Body schema: application/json
name required | string |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "name": "Admin Satu"
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
{- "status": "success",
- "code": 200,
- "message": "Successfully Update Tracking Sales!"
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
{- "status": "success",
- "code": 200,
- "message": "Successfully get list tracking sales",
- "data": [
- {
- "id": 1,
- "partner_id": 747,
- "name": "Sachio",
- "created_at": "2022-11-21 15:40:47",
- "updated_at": "2022-11-21 15:40:47"
}, - {
- "id": 2,
- "partner_id": 747,
- "name": "Sachio 2",
- "created_at": "2022-11-21 15:40:47",
- "updated_at": "2022-11-21 15:40:47"
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
{- "status": "success",
- "code": 200,
- "message": "Successfully get data whatsapp premium",
- "data": {
- "is_server_full": true,
- "is_whatsapp_premium": true,
- "is_queue_whatsapp": true,
- "is_notification_whatsapp": 2,
- "is_phone_number": "085229931237"
Response samples
- 200
- 400
{- "status": "success",
- "code": 200,
- "data": {
- "subscription_fee": [
- {
- "month": 1,
- "name": "1 Bulan/30 Hari - 39.000",
- "nominal": 39000
}, - {
- "month": 3,
- "name": "3 Bulan/90 Hari - 117.000",
- "nominal": 117000
}, - {
- "month": 6,
- "name": "6 Bulan/180 Hari - 234.000",
- "nominal": 234000
}, - {
- "month": 12,
- "name": "12 Bulan/365 Hari - 468.000",
- "nominal": 468000
], - "kompay_balance": 200000
Response samples
- 200
- 400
{- "status": "success",
- "code": 200,
- "data": {
- "subscription_fee": {
- "queue": {
- "total_user": 40,
- "server_needed": 2
}, - "server_whatsapp": [
- {
- "id": 1,
- "server_name": "Server 1",
- "total_client": 29,
- "max_client": 30,
- "created_at": "2023-02-20"
Response samples
- 200
- 400
{- "status": "success",
- "code": 200,
- "data": {
- "whatsapp_expired_at": 28,
- "total_notification": 38,
- "total_notification_success": 30,
- "total_notification_failed": 8,
- "whatsapp_number": 85229931237,
- "notification_cod": {
- "status": 1,
- "message": "Hallo Gaes!"
}, - "notification_pickup": {
- "status": 0,
- "message": "Hallo Gaes!"
notification whatsapp custom message
notification whatsapp custom message
Request Body schema: multipart/form-data
is_template required | string |
message required | string |
Response samples
- 200
- 400
{- "status": "success",
- "code": 200,
- "data": "Successfully Custom Template Mesasge!"
Response samples
- 200
- 400
{- "status": "success",
- "code": 200,
- "data": {
- "qrcode": "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"
whatsapp on or off template whatsapp
on or off template whatsapp
Request Body schema: multipart/form-data
type_notification required | integer |
status required | integer |
Response samples
- 200
- 400
{- "status": "success",
- "code": 200,
- "data": "Success on custom message whatsapp premium!"
Create Ticket Partner With Support CDN
Request Body schema: multipart/form-data
no_resi | string |
partner_name | string |
ticket_type | string |
description | string |
file[] | string <binary> The image file to upload. |
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
{- "status": "success",
- "code": 200,
- "message": "Successfully Upload Image Product"
Upload File Ticket Partner Chat With Support CDN
Request Body schema: multipart/form-data
ticket_id | string |
message | string |
file[] | string <binary> The image file to upload. |
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
{- "status": "success",
- "code": 200,
- "message": "Successfully Upload Image Product"
Response samples
- 200
- 401
{- "status": "success",
- "code": 200,
- "message": "Success fetch data.",
- "data": {
- "waiting_status": 100,
- "avg_req_last_month": 50,
- "avg_approval_time": {
- "day": 1,
- "hour": 5,
- "minute": 32
Response samples
- 200
- 401
{- "status": "success",
- "code": 200,
- "data": [
- {
- "year": 2022,
- "month": "Januari",
- "total_contact": 50
}, - {
- "year": 2022,
- "month": "Febuari",
- "total_contact": 75
}, - {
- "year": 2022,
- "month": "Maret",
- "total_contact": 100
Get List Customers
All about Growth contact
query Parameters
search | string |
sort_spent | string ASC/DESC |
sort_pcs | string ASC/DESC |
total_order | string |
product_name | string |
spentFrom | string |
spentTo | string |
pcsFrom | string |
pcsTo | string |
orderFrom | string |
orderTo | string |
province_name | string |
Response samples
- 200
- 401
{- "status": "success",
- "code": 200,
- "data": {
- "current_page": 1,
- "data": [
- {
- "customer_id": "16668,",
- "customer_name": "Sri lestari,",
- "total_order": "7,",
- "total_pcs": "9,",
- "total_spent": "1139000,",
- "customer_phone": "082241720505,",
- "last_order": "26-04-2022,",
- "customer_address": "SUKOHARJO, JAWA TENGAH"
}, - {
- "customer_id": "16668,",
- "customer_name": "Sri lestari,",
- "total_order": "7,",
- "total_pcs": "9,",
- "total_spent": "1139000,",
- "last_order": "26-04-2022,",
- "customer_address": "SUKOHARJO, JAWA TENGAH"
], - "from": 1,
- "last_page": 1,
- "links": [
- {
- "label": "pagination.previous",
- "active": false
}, - {
- "label": "1",
- "active": true
}, - {
- "label": "pagination.next",
- "active": false
], - "per_page": 50,
- "to": 50,
- "total": 702
Response samples
- 200
- 401
{- "status": "success",
- "code": 200,
- "data": {
- "id": 3,
- "partner_id": 7498,
- "is_verification": 1,
- "is_expedition_setting": 1,
- "is_warehouse_setting": 1,
- "is_product_upload": 1,
- "is_add_order": 0,
- "is_pickup_request": 0,
- "is_finish": 1,
- "expired_at": "2022-09-26 11:09:15",
- "created_at": "2022-09-26 11:09:15",
- "updated_at": "2022-09-28 08:38:07"
Claim Gamifaction
All about Partner Transaction
query Parameters
partner_id required | string |
start_date | string |
end_date | string |
page | string |
limits | string |
search | string |
filter | string 0=semua, 1=orderan cod diterima,2=ongkir noncod,3=ongkir noncod batal, 4=tarik saldo, 5=topup saldo, 6=retur cod, 7=claim retur diterima, 8=ganti rugi paket hilang,9=ganti rugi paket rusak,10=belanja talent 11=pengembalian dana komtim. example=1,2,3,4,5 |
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
{- "status": "success",
- "code": 200,
- "data": {
- "current_page": 1,
- "data": [
- {
- "order_id": 0,
- "user_id": 32626,
- "date_transaction": "2022-10-05 11:37",
- "amount": 0,
- "saldo": 511786,
- "kompoint": 50000,
- "kompoint_status": true
}, - {
- "order_id": 182114,
- "user_id": 32626,
- "date_transaction": "2022-10-04 14:03",
- "payment_method": "BANK TRANSFER",
- "order_status": "Batal",
- "shipping_name": "JNE",
- "transaction_type": "orderku_cancel",
- "amount": 71250,
- "saldo": 511786,
- "kompoint": 25000,
- "kompoint_status": true
], - "first_page_url": "dev.komship.komerce.my.id/api/v1/partner/order-transaction-balance?page=1",
- "from": 1,
- "last_page": 1,
- "links": [
- {
- "label": "pagination.previous",
- "active": false
}, - {
- "label": 1,
- "active": true
}, - {
- "label": "pagination.next",
- "active": false
], - "per_page": 50,
- "to": 50,
- "total": 50
Send OTP Whatsapp
All about Send OTP Whatsapp
Request Body schema: application/json
no_hp required | integer |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "no_hp": 85229931237
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
{- "status": "success",
- "code": 200,
- "message": "Successfully sent otp to whatsapp!",
- "data": {
- "expired_at": 120,
- "check_request_otp": 2,
- "method": "Whatsapp"
Check OTP Whatsapp
All about Check OTP Whatsapp
Request Body schema: application/json
otp required | integer |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "otp": 321345
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
{- "status": "success",
- "code": 200,
- "message": "the otp entered is the same"
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
{- "status": "success",
- "code": 200,
- "data": {
- "percenatge_return_jne": {
- "total": 1,
- "retur": 0,
- "percentage": 0,
- "is_cod": 1
}, - "percenatge_return_sicepat": {
- "total": 0,
- "retur": 0,
- "percentage": 0,
- "is_cod": 0
}, - "percenatge_return_idexpress": {
- "total": 0,
- "retur": 0,
- "percentage": 0,
- "is_cod": 0
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 403
- 500
{- "status": "success",
- "code": 200,
- "data": {
- "data_days": [
- {
- "cost_date": "2022-11-01",
- "id": 1,
- "cost": 10000,
- "register": 10,
- "order": 9,
- "pickup": 3
}, - {
- "cost_date": "2022-11-02",
- "id": 2,
- "cost": 10000,
- "register": 10,
- "order": 7,
- "pickup": 3
}, - {
- "cost_date": "2022-11-03",
- "id": 3,
- "cost": 10000,
- "register": 10,
- "order": 6,
- "pickup": 2
}, - {
- "cost_date": "2022-11-04",
- "id": 4,
- "register": 10,
- "order": 6,
- "pickup": 2
], - "totals": {
- "total_cost": 300000,
- "total_register": 40,
- "total_order": 27,
- "total_pickup": 10
}, - "cost_per_result": {
- "cpr_register": 300000,
- "cpr_order": 40,
- "cpr_pickup": 27
Response samples
- 200
- 401
- 403
- 500
{- "status": "success",
- "code": 200,
- "data": {
- "total_transaction_cod": 50000000000,
- "total_transaction_non_cod": 10000000000,
- "total_shipping": 6000000000,
- "total_transacting_user": 650,
- "net_ltv_user": 10000000000,
- "retention_rate": 70,
- "curent_churn_user": 100,
- "churn_period": "2 Bulan - 7 Hari",
- "outstanding_user_balance": 21093409235
Monitoring Pickup mitra
query Parameters
limits | integer |
offset | integer |
search | string Hello ges ini search bisa search cnote dan nama |
Response samples
- 200
- 401
{- "status": "success",
- "code": 200,
- "data": [
- {
- "pickup_request_date": "2022-08-25 14:00:00",
- "user_name": "Rendy Herdiawan",
- "user_phone": "081382261347",
- "qty": 1,
- "no_resi": "IDE702693372858",
- "pickup_city": "JAKARTA TIMUR",
- "order_status": "Dikirim",
- "delay": "1 hari 5 jam",
- "delay_status": "Terlewati",
- "pickup_detail": {
- "id": 21226,
- "address_name": "x - Febria Pancaningrum",
- "address_detail": "Kawasan Pergudangan Bizpark Blok A1 No.35, Jl. Raya Bekasi Km. 21,5 Rawa Terate",
- "city": "JAKARTA TIMUR",
- "district": "CAKUNG",
- "pic": "x - Febria Pancaningrum",
- "pic_phone": "081382261347",
- "pickup_date": "2022-08-25",
- "pickup_time": 50400
Response samples
- 200
- 401
{- "status": "success",
- "code": 200,
- "message": "Success fetch data.",
calculate cost shipping
query Parameters
shipper_destination required | integer |
receiver_destination required | integer |
weight required | integer |
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
{- "status": "success",
- "code": 200,
- "data": {
- "data_regular": [
- {
- "shipment_name": "JNE",
- "shipping_type": "REG19",
- "shipping_cost": 610000,
- "shipping_cost_komship": 457500,
- "is_komship_shipment": 1,
- "estimasi": "5 - 7 hari"
], - "data_truck": [
- {
- "value": "SICEPAT-GOKIL-310000",
- "shipment_name": "SICEPAT",
- "shipping_type": "GOKIL",
- "shipping_cost": 310000,
- "shipping_cost_komship": 294500,
- "is_komship_shipment": 1,
- "cashback": 5,
- "estimasi": "9 - 16 hari"
Get Data destination
limit 20
query Parameters
search required | string |
is_no_subdist | string 1 = true, 0 = false. Not required |
Response samples
- 200
{- "status": "success",
- "code": 200,
- "data": {
- "current_page": 1,
- "data": [
- {
- "id": 1022,
- "value": "TGL30016",
- "subdistrict_name": "BANJARANYAR",
- "district_name": "SOKARAJA",
- "city_name": "BANYUMAS",
- "zip_code": "53181",
- "origin_code": "TGL30000"
], - "first_page_url": "",
- "from": 1,
- "last_page": 3,
- "last_page_url": "",
- "links": {
- "url": "",
- "label": "",
- "active": ""
}, - "next_page_url": "",
- "path": "",
- "per_page": 15,
- "prev_page_url": "",
- "to": 15,
- "total": 15
Request Body schema: application/json
id | integer |
title | string |
desc | string |
color | string |
link | string |
status | string |
service_type | string |
action | string |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "id": 1,
- "title": "Hallo Gaes",
- "color": "#FFFF",
- "link": "youtube.com",
- "status": "1",
- "service_type": "",
- "action": "submit"
upload image claim retur partner
Request Body schema: multipart/form-data
file required | string <binary> |
claim_retur_id required | integer |
Response samples
- 200
- 400
{- "status": "success",
- "code": 200,
- "message": "Successfully Upload Image Claim Retur!",
- "data": ""
Calculate Order Massal
All about Order Massal
query Parameters
zip_code required | string |
address required | string |
weight required | string |
payment_method required | string |
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
{- "status": "success",
- "code": 200,
- "data": [
- "JNE Reguler",
- "SICEPAT Reguler",
- "IDEXPRESS Reguler",
- "SAP Reguler"
Update Read Inbox Partners
Update data read inbox partners
Request Body schema: application/json
feedback value accept only 1,2,3,4,5
feedback_value | integer accept only (1,2,3,4,5) |
feedback_comment | string |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "feedback_value": 1,
- "feedback_comment": "yok semangat lagi yok"
Response samples
- 200
- 401
{- "status": "success",
- "code": 200,
- "message": "Successfully Store Feedback",
- "data": "string"
Check registered number on whatsapp
use dev.whatsapp-service.komerce.my.id
query Parameters
nohp required | integer |
Response samples
- 200
- 401
{- "meta": {
- "message": "Successfully checking number",
- "code": 200,
- "status": "success"
}, - "data": {
- "phone_number": 6285939438777,
- "is_wa": true,
- "message": "registered"
Send a messages to a number on whatsapp
use dev.whatsapp-service.komerce.my.id
query Parameters
nohp required | integer |
message required | integer |
Response samples
- 200
- 401
{- "meta": {
- "message": "Successfully send messages",
- "code": 200,
- "status": "success"
}, - "data": { }
Store OrderkuV3
path Parameters
partner_id required | integer |
Request Body schema: application/json
date | string <date> |
tariff_code | integer |
subdistrict_name | string |
district_name | string |
city_name | string |
is_komship | integer |
is_kompack | integer |
warehouse_id | integer |
customer_id | integer |
customer_name | string |
customer_phone | string |
customer_destination_id | integer |
tracking_sales_id | integer |
detail_address | string |
partner_address_id | integer |
shipping | any |
shipping_type | string |
payment_method | any |
bank | string |
bank_account_name | string |
bank_account_no | string |
subtotal | number <double> |
grandtotal | number <double> |
shipping_cost | number <double> |
service_fee | number <double> |
discount | number <double> |
shipping_cashback | number <double> |
net_profit | number <double> |
order_notes | string |
cart | Array of integers[ items ] |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "date": "2019-08-24",
- "tariff_code": 0,
- "subdistrict_name": "string",
- "district_name": "string",
- "city_name": "string",
- "is_komship": 0,
- "is_kompack": 0,
- "warehouse_id": 0,
- "customer_id": 0,
- "customer_name": "string",
- "customer_phone": "string",
- "customer_destination_id": 0,
- "tracking_sales_id": 0,
- "detail_address": "string",
- "partner_address_id": 0,
- "shipping": null,
- "shipping_type": "string",
- "payment_method": null,
- "bank": "string",
- "bank_account_name": "string",
- "bank_account_no": "string",
- "subtotal": 0,
- "grandtotal": 0,
- "shipping_cost": 0,
- "service_fee": 0,
- "discount": 0,
- "shipping_cashback": 0,
- "net_profit": 0,
- "order_notes": "string",
- "cart": [
- 1,
- 2,
- 3
Response samples
- 200
- 401
{- "status": "success",
- "code": 200,
- "message": "Order stored successfully"
options address on store order v3
Ada 2 jenis warheouse_type, ["Private Warehouse", "Mitra Kompack"], jika yang dipilih adalah Mitra Kompack, kirim warehouse_id sebagai parameter di PARTNER-PRODUCT
query Parameters
partner_id required | integer |
Response samples
- 200
- 401
{- "status": "success",
- "code": 200,
- "data": [
- {
- "warehouse_id": 34,
- "warehouse_name": "Danz Prestige",
- "warehouse_type": "Mitra Kompack",
- "is_default": 0
options address on store order v3
Ada 2 jenis warheouse_type, ["Private Warehouse", "Mitra Kompack"], jika yang dipilih adalah Mitra Kompack, kirim warehouse_id sebagai parameter di PARTNER-PRODUCT
path Parameters
partner_id required | integer |
query Parameters
warehouse_type required | string decide product origin , it is from mitra warehouse or private warehouse (all). Value : Mitra Kompack / Private Warehouse |
warehouse_id | integer its a conditional requirity, if warehouse_type is "Mitra Kompack" its become required |
Response samples
- 200
- 401
{- "status": "success",
- "code": 200,
- "data": [
- {
- "product_id": 1,
- "product_name": "Jilbab",
- "sku": 123,
- "product_image": "www.example.com/img/products/product-980312037.jpg",
- "is_variant": 1,
- "variant": [
- {
- "variant_id": 1,
- "variant_name": "Warna",
- "variant_option": [
- {
- "option_id": 1,
- "option_name": "Biru"
}, - {
- "option_id": 2,
- "option_name": "Merah"
}, - {
- "variant_id": 1,
- "variant_name": "Ukuran",
- "variant_option": [
- {
- "option_id": 3,
- "option_name": "S",
- "option_parent": 1
}, - {
- "option_id": 4,
- "option_name": "M",
- "option_parent": 1
}, - {
- "option_id": 5,
- "option_name": "S",
- "option_parent": 2
}, - {
- "option_id": 6,
- "option_name": "M",
- "option_parent": 2
], - "product_variant": [
- {
- "option_id": 3,
- "name": "Merah",
- "price": 20,
- "stock": 100,
- "option_parent": 1
}, - {
- "option_id": 4,
- "name": "Biru",
- "price": 20,
- "stock": 100,
- "option_parent": 2
}, - {
- "option_id": 5,
- "name": "Merah",
- "price": 20,
- "stock": 100,
- "option_parent": 1
}, - {
- "option_id": 6,
- "name": "Biru",
- "price": 20,
- "stock": 100,
- "option_parent": 2
], - "price": 0,
- "stock": 0,
- "sold": 0
}, - {
- "product_id": 2,
- "product_name": "Jilbab Keches",
- "sku": 123,
- "product_image": "www.example.com/img/products/product-980312031.jpg",
- "is_variant": 0,
- "variant": [ ],
- "price": 20000,
- "stock": 100,
- "sold": 0
options address on store order v3
Ada 2 jenis warheouse_type, ["Private Warehouse", "Mitra Kompack"], jika yang dipilih adalah Mitra Kompack, kirim warehouse_id sebagai parameter di PARTNER-PRODUCT
path Parameters
partner_id required | integer |
query Parameters
search | string search product name, jika search kosong maka hanya akan menampilkan 5 product terupdate saja |
warehouse_type required | string decide product origin , it is from mitra warehouse or private warehouse (all). Value : Mitra Kompack / Private Warehouse |
warehouse_id | integer its a conditional requirity, if warehouse_type is "Mitra Kompack" its become required |
limit | integer |
offset | integer |
Response samples
- 200
- 401
{- "status": "success",
- "code": 200,
- "data": [
- {
- "product_id": 1,
- "product_name": "Jilbab",
- "sku": 123,
- "product_image": "www.example.com/img/products/product-980312037.jpg",
- "is_variant": 1,
- "variant": [
- {
- "variant_id": 1,
- "variant_name": "Warna",
- "variant_option": [
- {
- "option_id": 1,
- "option_name": "Biru"
}, - {
- "option_id": 2,
- "option_name": "Merah"
}, - {
- "variant_id": 1,
- "variant_name": "Ukuran",
- "variant_option": [
- {
- "option_id": 3,
- "option_name": "S",
- "option_parent": 1
}, - {
- "option_id": 4,
- "option_name": "M",
- "option_parent": 1
}, - {
- "option_id": 5,
- "option_name": "S",
- "option_parent": 2
}, - {
- "option_id": 6,
- "option_name": "M",
- "option_parent": 2
], - "product_variant": [
- {
- "option_id": 3,
- "name": "Merah",
- "price": 20,
- "stock": 100,
- "option_parent": 1
}, - {
- "option_id": 4,
- "name": "Biru",
- "price": 20,
- "stock": 100,
- "option_parent": 2
}, - {
- "option_id": 5,
- "name": "Merah",
- "price": 20,
- "stock": 100,
- "option_parent": 1
}, - {
- "option_id": 6,
- "name": "Biru",
- "price": 20,
- "stock": 100,
- "option_parent": 2
], - "price": 0,
- "stock": 0,
- "sold": 0
}, - {
- "product_id": 2,
- "product_name": "Jilbab Keches",
- "sku": 123,
- "product_image": "www.example.com/img/products/product-980312031.jpg",
- "is_variant": 0,
- "variant": [ ],
- "price": 20000,
- "stock": 100,
- "sold": 0
Get Ticket List
All about Tickets Admin
query Parameters
start_date | string |
end_date | string |
search_key | string customer_name / no_resi / no_ticket |
search | string |
ticket_status | integer 0 / 1 |
sort_customer | string DESC / ASC |
sort_type_ticket | string DESC / ASC |
sort_ticket_status | string DESC / ASC |
sort_ticket_created | string DESC / ASC |
sort_ticket_updated | string DESC / ASC |
Response samples
- 200
- 401
{- "status": "success",
- "code": 200,
- "data": {
- "current_page": 1,
- "data": [
- {
- "id": 1,
- "ticket_type_id": 5,
- "ticket_no": "TIC220628201002",
- "no_resi": "IDE009394457025",
- "customer_name": "Jandri S",
- "name": "Permintaan Pengiriman Ulang",
- "ticket_status": 1,
- "order_status": "Dikirim",
- "shipping": "SICEPAT",
- "date_created": "2022-06-28 22:15:43",
- "date_updated": "2022-06-29 20:41:11",
- "delay_action": "1627 Jam, 9 Menit"
}, - {
- "id": 2,
- "ticket_type_id": 5,
- "ticket_no": "TIC220628201002",
- "no_resi": "IDE009394457025",
- "customer_name": "Jandri S",
- "name": "Permintaan Pengiriman Ulang",
- "ticket_status": 1,
- "order_status": "Dikirim",
- "shipping": "SICEPAT",
- "date_created": "2022-06-28 22:15:43",
- "date_updated": "2022-06-29 20:41:11",
- "delay_action": "1627 Jam, 9 Menit"
], - "from": 1,
- "last_page": 1,
- "links": [
- {
- "label": "pagination.previous",
- "active": false
}, - {
- "label": "1",
- "active": true
}, - {
- "label": "pagination.next",
- "active": false
], - "per_page": 50,
- "to": 14,
- "total": 14
Get Ticket List
All about Tickets Mitra
query Parameters
search | string |
start_date | string |
end_date | string |
ticket_status | integer 0 / 1 |
ticket_type | integer |
shipping | string |
unread | boolean |
prioritas | string |
Response samples
- 200
- 401
{- "status": "success",
- "code": 200,
- "data": {
- "current_page": 1,
- "data": [
- {
- "id": 1,
- "ticket_no": "TIC20220810201001",
- "no_resi": "01094021002661601",
- "order_status": "Dikirim",
- "shipping": "JNE",
- "brand_name": "Fian Store Gaming",
- "customer_name": "dori",
- "ticket_type": "Permintaan Pengiriman Ulang",
- "ticket_status": 0,
- "date_created": "2022-08-10 09:37:06",
- "date_updated": "2022-08-10 09:37:06",
- "status_priority": 1,
- "level_name": "Juragan",
- "history_ticket_count_partner": [
- {
- "ticket_id": 75,
- "total_unread_chat": 5
], - "last_chat_mitra": [
- {
- "id": "360,",
- "ticket_id": "76,",
- "type": "Mitra"
}, - {
- "id": 2,
- "ticket_no": "TIC20220630201002",
- "no_resi": "2521202200045910",
- "order_status": "Hilang",
- "shipping": "JNE",
- "brand_name": "maung g nya satu",
- "customer_name": "nlkasndlkdsqeq",
- "ticket_type": "Paket Hilang",
- "ticket_status": 3,
- "date_created": "2022-06-30 15:46:55",
- "date_updated": "2022-07-11 15:19:03",
- "status_priority": 0
], - "from": 1,
- "last_page": 1,
- "links": [
- {
- "label": "pagination.previous",
- "active": false
}, - {
- "label": "1",
- "active": true
}, - {
- "label": "pagination.next",
- "active": false
], - "per_page": 50,
- "to": 14,
- "total": 14
Get Ticket List package return
All about Tickets Mitra
query Parameters
status | integer |
limit | integer |
offset | integer |
priority | integer |
Response samples
- 200
- 401
{- "status": "success",
- "code": 200,
- "data": [
- {
- "log_retur_id": 7193,
- "order_id": 398912,
- "is_juragan": 0,
- "juragan_image_path": "",
- "seller_name": "Putu Dewi",
- "cnote": "IDE091827318123",
- "date_retur": "2023-01-28 16:10:26",
- "last_update_date": "2023-01-28 16:10:26",
- "transaction_value": 250000,
- "status_follow_up": 0,
- "status_retur": 1,
- "order_status": "Retur",
- "shipping": "IDEXPRESS",
- "log_retur_upated_at": "2023-01-28 16:10:26"
Create Ticket Mitra With Support CDN
Request Body schema: multipart/form-data
no_resi | string |
partner_name | string |
ticket_type | string |
description | string |
file[] | string <binary> |
brand_name | string The image file to upload. |
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
{- "status": "success",
- "code": 200,
- "message": "Successfully Upload Image Product"
Upload File Ticket Mitra Chat With Support CDN
Request Body schema: multipart/form-data
ticket_id | string |
message | string |
file[] | string <binary> |
ticket_status | string The image file to upload. |
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
{- "status": "success",
- "code": 200,
- "message": "Successfully Upload Image Product"
get List draft order
List Draft Order
query Parameters
search | string |
start_date | string |
end_date | string |
address_id | integer |
product_id | integer |
Response samples
- 200
- 401
{- "status": "success",
- "code": 200,
- "data": {
- "id": 1,
- "date": "2022-10-07",
- "partner_id": 201,
- "user_id": 1440,
- "address_id": 24,
- "address_name": "Gudang Bandung",
- "customer_name": "Ibnul Edited",
- "customer_phone": "08123456789092",
- "destination_id": 992,
- "city_name": "BIMA",
- "customer_address": "Bobotsari Ngetan, Awkowkowkwokwokw",
- "draft_detail": [
- {
- "detail_id": 1,
- "draft_order_id": 12,
- "product_id": 179,
- "product_name": "Gamis Gaul",
- "product_variant_id": 231,
- "product_variant_name": "Pendek, L",
- "qty": 2,
- "product_stock": 0,
- "varaint_stock": 100,
- "product_price": 200000,
- "weight": 300,
- "subtotal": 400000
Response samples
- 200
- 401
{- "status": "success",
- "code": 200,
- "data": {
- "id": 1,
- "date": "2022-10-07",
- "partner_id": 201,
- "user_id": 1440,
- "address_id": 24,
- "address_name": "Gudang Bandung",
- "customer_name": "Ibnul Edited",
- "customer_phone": "08123456789092",
- "destination_id": 992,
- "city_name": "BIMA",
- "customer_address": "Bobotsari Ngetan, Awkowkowkwokwokw",
- "draft_detail": [
- {
- "detail_id": 1,
- "draft_order_id": 12,
- "product_id": 179,
- "product_name": "Gamis Gaul",
- "product_variant_id": 231,
- "product_variant_name": "Pendek, L",
- "qty": 2,
- "product_stock": 0,
- "varaint_stock": 100,
- "product_price": 200000,
- "weight": 300,
- "subtotal": 400000,
- "cart_id": 2314
Store draft order
Store Draft Order
Request Body schema: application/json
date | string |
address_id | integer |
customer_name | string |
customer_phone | string |
destination_id | integer |
customer_address | string |
cart | Array of integers[ items ] |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "date": "2022-01-22",
- "address_id": 22,
- "customer_name": "Bagus Condro Budi",
- "customer_phone": "0822377398712",
- "destination_id": 123,
- "customer_address": "Bobotsari, asokwopkowkowkwokwo",
- "cart": [
- 2022,
- 2032
Response samples
- 200
- 401
{- "status": "success",
- "code": 200,
- "message": "Successfully add draft order"
Edit draft order
Edit Draft Order
path Parameters
draft_id required | integer |
Request Body schema: application/json
date | string |
address_id | integer |
customer_name | string |
customer_phone | string |
destination_id | integer |
customer_address | string |
cart | Array of integers[ items ] |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "date": "2022-01-22",
- "address_id": 22,
- "customer_name": "Bagus Condro Budi",
- "customer_phone": "0822377398712",
- "destination_id": 123,
- "customer_address": "Bobotsari, asokwopkowkowkwokwo",
- "cart": [
- 2022,
- 2032
Response samples
- 200
- 401
{- "status": "success",
- "code": 200,
- "message": "Successfully edit draft order"
Count total Order By Status
path Parameters
partner_id required | integer |
query Parameters
product_id | integer |
search | string |
start_date | string |
end_date | string |
partner_address_id | integer |
payment_method | integer |
Response samples
- 200
- 400
{- "status": "success",
- "code": 200,
- "data": {
- "diajukan": 123,
- "dipacking": 33,
- "dikirim": 12,
- "diterima": 99,
- "retur": 84,
- "batal": 7,
- "order_problem": 3
Response samples
- 200
- 401
{- "status": "success",
- "code": 200,
- "message": "Mail create success"
Response samples
- 200
- 401
{- "status": "success",
- "code": 200,
- "data": [
- {
- "id": 23,
- "user_from": 799,
- "user_to": 201,
- "title": "Potensi Retur Tinggi",
- "service": "komship",
- "is_read": 0,
- "message": "Terdapat 38 request data pendukung dari CS ekspedisi yang belum kamu lengkapi, keterlambatan response mu menyebabkan kemungkinan retur lebih besar (potensi nilai COD order tersebut total Rp 8.344.672 lho).untuk informasi rata-rata kecepatan respons menjawab tiketmu bulan lalu adalah 3 hari 7 jam yang mana terbilang sangat lambat. Upayakan kecepatan respons dibawah 60 menit.",
- "created_at": "2023-02-27 08:17:46"
Fetch Inbox Partners
Fetch data inbox partners
path Parameters
inbox_id required | integer id of mails from inbox list partners |
Response samples
- 200
- 401
{- "status": "success",
- "code": 200,
- "data": {
- "id": 23,
- "user_from": 799,
- "user_to": 201,
- "title": "Potensi Retur Tinggi",
- "service": "komship",
- "is_read": 0,
- "message_id": 0,
- "message_text": "Terdapat <b id='is-red'>21</b> request <b>data pendukung</b> dari CS ekspedisi yang belum kamu <br>lengkapi, keterlambatan response mu menyebabkan kemungkinan retur <br>lebih besar (potensi nilai COD order tersebut total <b id='is-red'>Rp 1.998.040</b> lho).<br><br>untuk informasi rata-rata <b>kecepatan respons</b> menjawab tiketmu bulan <br>lalu adalah <b id='is-red'>1 hari 1 jam</b> yang mana terbilang sangat lambat. Upayakan <br>kecepatan respons dibawah <b id='is-green'>60 menit.</b>",
- "message_is_read": 0,
- "created_at": "2023-02-27 08:17:46"
Update Read Inbox Partners
Update data read inbox partners
path Parameters
inbox_id required | integer id of mails from inbox list partners |
Response samples
- 200
- 401
{- "status": "success",
- "code": 200,
- "message": "Successfully Update Read Mail",
- "data": "string"